Keyboard Shortcuts
Custom Order Actions
A custom order can be defined and assigned a keyboard shortcut (Professional Edition and above). This option is available under the General Preferences Dialog (Configure -> Preferences from the Console menu bar). Click on “General” then on “Keyboard” then on “Custom Orders”
Quantity Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to preset quantities (see Order Presets dialog from the Edit Instrument Dialog). By default, the number keys 1-9 will set the quantity to the preset quantity for the instrument in numerical order. Shortcuts can be modified from the Keyboard tab in the General Preferences Dialog (Configure -> Preferences from the Console menu bar) click on “General” then on “Keyboard”.
Dock Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcut options have been added for navigating pages, stations and tabs in the docking framework (unassigned by default, see Preferences Dialog -> “General” -> “Keyboard”):
Next/Previous Page – Sets the active page to the next/previous page.
Next/Previous Station –When a station is maximized these actions will move to the next / previous dock station (same as the left/right arrow icons in the dock tool bar)
Next/Previous Tab – Sets the active tab on the active station to the next/previous tab.
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