Free Data Sources

Free data sources and trials are listed below. Please note the limitations of each connection.





Two weeks of intraday data. Data is delayed and recommended for demo purposes only.


Only 7 days on intraday data (BTC/USD may offer more).


Free demo account. European restrictions on executing trades with platforms based outside of the EU.

Forex, CFD

Free demo account. European restrictions on executing trades with platforms based outside of the EU.

Forex, CFD

Free demo account. European restrictions on executing trades with platforms based outside of the EU.

Data Import


Import CSV, ASCII or MetaStock database.

Free Trials

Stocks, Futures, Forex, Options

Sign up with our link to receive a 14-day free trial with delayed data. Sign up via their website for a 7-day free trial with live data. Sign up link.

Stocks, Futures

Sign up through their website for a 14-day free trial. Sign up link.


Sign up through the free demo account link when adding a CQG connection to your workspace. Only one free trial allowed per user per lifetime.

Futures, Options

Sign up through Rithmic’s website. Only one free trial allowed per user per lifetime. Sign up link.

Last updated