Working With Chart Windows
Looking at Compact Mode, Tile Windows, Cascade Windows and Window Sizes in the MotiveWave trading software.
Working With Panels
Accessing, Creating and Using Panels in the MotiveWave trading software.
Creating Custom Layouts
Choosing a layout template and creating custom layouts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Working With Desktops
Looking at how to create Desktops, which are essentially another Console or separate grouping of charts, panels watch lists, etc. that you can move around on your screen. Includes accessing Desktops, creating, renaming, copying, changing the layout, and more in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Default Chart Settings Part 1
Looking at the first half of setting the global Default Chart Settings under Configure>Preferences>Chart>Chart Settings. Includes setting the Default Tool (and whether you want to revert back to Default Tool after choosing another tool), Bar Type, Bar Scheme, Bar Size, and more for your charts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Default Chart Settings Part 2
Looking at the second half of setting the global Default Chart Settings under Configure>Preferences>Chart>Chart Settings. Includes setting the default maximum number of bars (linear and non-linear), minimum number of bars, maximum number of days for Tick Charts, Bar Width and Price Bar spacing, Price and Time Axis spacing, Time Zone, and more for your charts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Default Chart Options Part 1
Looking at the first column of global Default Chart Options settings under Configure>Preferences>Chart>Options. Includes setting extended data, snap open close, seeing the Trade Panel or DOM Panel, seeing orders or trades, chart labels, P/L Ladder, cross hair and grid by default, and more for your charts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Default Chart Options Part 2
Looking at the second column of global Default Chart Options settings under Configure>Preferences>Chart>Options. Includes cross hair settings, auto scale, semi-log scale, lock scroll /studies/bar size, link charts for minimize/restore, and more for your charts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Default Chart Options Part 3
Looking at the third column of global Default Chart Options settings under Configure>Preferences>Chart>Options. Includes Bird’s Eye View, Resolve Trend Lines, Show Properties on Double-Click, Group Studies below a chart, Study Bar Updates, Use Account Position, Overlay Volume, Auto Load Studies (from SDK), Use Last Image Name when saving a chart image, and more for your charts in the MotiveWave trading platform.
How to Add Components to the chart from the Components Panel (click and drag, double click, right-click) and from the Tools Dropdown menu, as well as selecting, moving and deleting components in the MotiveWave trading software.
Component Properties
How to access a Component’s properties to format, edit options (including visibility) and change settings for a Component in the MotiveWave trading software.
Adding Studies
How to access and add Studies, Indicators and Overlays to a chart and how to adjust the options for them in the MotiveWave trading software.
Study Templates
How to create Study Templates, what options you have for the template, and how to apply the Study Template to a chart in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Template Preferences
Looking at Chart Template Preferences, including setting a default template, label options, overriding a template, and having a default template loaded in the Scanner in the MotiveWave trading software.
Managing Templates
How to access Manage Templates to rename or delete templates, how to reorder (change keyboard shortcut), and how to import templates in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Linking Charts
How to Link Charts, including link by instrument, link by bar size, and linking charts for use in Replay Mode in the MotiveWave trading software.
Linking Charts By Instrument
How to link charts by instrument to quickly flip through a set of different time frame charts by one instrument at a time in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Chart Spacing
Adjusting the Chart Spacing in the MotiveWave trading software by dragging the axis and also under Configure>Preferences.
Chart Scaling
Different Chart Scaling Options in the MotiveWave trading platform, including Auto Scale, Price Range, and Square, as well as changing top and bottom insets and more.
Lock Scroll
How to lock the scroll on charts so that all charts on the same page move as you scroll, as well as how to set only certain charts to scroll using Chart Linking in the MotiveWave trading software.
Bar Sizes
Selecting and changing bar sizes, as well as creating custom bar sizes in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Percent Change Charts
How to access Percent Change Charts, how to adjust the options for them and how to use Percent Change Charts with the Instrument Overlay in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Working With Trendlines
Looking at how to access the Trend Line tool from the Tools dropdown menu or keyboard shortcut, drawing trendlines, snapping to a high or low of a bar, drawing using common angles (45, 90, etc.), viewing key values of the trend line, right-click options including creating an alert based on the trendline, show info, show angle, extend the trend line, and more in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Time and Price Guides
How to add a Time or Price Guide by right clicking the axis or using keyboard shortcuts and how to adjust the properties (including formatting, labels, and visibility) in the MotiveWave trading platform.
How to set visibility for components, like trend lines, to only show on certain time frames and how to set those visibility options as defaults for every time you use the component in the MotiveWave trading software.
Last updated