Overview on Alerts, including Price Alerts, Study Alerts and Component-based Alerts. For this video we are using an example of when a Moving Average crosses a trend line in the MotiveWave trading platform.
How to create Price Alerts (through the Chart axis or Alerts Panel), including setting parameters and notifications in the MotiveWave trading software.
How to create Study Alerts (through the Price Chart axis or Study Chart Axis), including setting parameters and notifications in the MotiveWave trading software.
How to create Component Alerts by right-clicking on a Component in the chart (Trend line is used as an example), including setting parameters and notifications in the MotiveWave trading software.
How to Trade from Alerts (using a Component Alert on a horizontal line as an example), including setting parameters for account, quantity, order type and expiry in the MotiveWave trading software.
Looking at Advanced Alert Settings, including setting time zone for alert, alert expiry, setting session times and display preferences for the alert in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Looking at Alert History, found either from the Alert History Window or under the Alerts Panel in the Alerts History tab. Highlights include setting time zone for alert, alert expiry, setting session times and display preferences for the alert in the MotiveWave trading platform.
Configuring Email for use with Alerts in the MotiveWave trading software.
Looking at preferences for Alerts, under Configure>Preferences, including what is shown for an Alert (line, label, cancel button), where the Alert is located on the chart, whether to play a sound, show the Alert History Window, turn off warning messages, how much Alert History to keep, and more, in the MotiveWave trading software.