Show Multiple Elliott Wave Ratios
Sometimes when performing ratio analysis with Elliott Wave, you may want to look at multiple wave ratios to find a confluence area where multiple ratios coincide. By default when you display a wave ratio, the existing wave ratio will be replaced by the new one (if it is visible). To work around this behavior, you can use the Pin Ratio feature to make the existing wave ratio stick.
Start by adding a price wave ratio to an existing wave count. In the example below, we want to analyze wave 4. Common wave ratios for comparing the fourth wave of an impulse wave are Wave 4 vs 2 and Wave 4 vs 3. To add the first wave ratio, right click on the Impulse Wave and choose Ratio Analysis > 4 vs 2.
Right click on one of the ratio labels and select Pin Ratio to make this ratio stick.
Now that you have this ratio pinned, you can add the 4 vs 3 ratio to the chart. Right click on the Impulse wave and choose Ratio Analysis > 4 vs 3. You may want to adjust the location of the labels by clicking and dragging the yellow resize points.
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