Linking Charts

Chart linking is a powerful feature that enables you to apply an action to a set of charts (instead of a single chart at a time). By default charts are unlinked (no link group assigned). There are a few different ways to assign a link group to a chart. The simplest is to choose the link group from the status bar at the bottom of the window (Note: this also works for DOM and Time/Sales windows).

There are three modes for linking charts:

  1. Instrument (Symbol) – In this mode, changing the symbol on one chart will change all charts in the link group to the same symbol

  2. Time (Bar Size) – If the bar size is changed on a chart in this mode, all linked charts will change to the same bar size

  3. None (Replay Mode) – This mode is for linking charts together for use in replay mode (linked charts are part of a replay group)

Link modes can be chosen for each link color individually. These options can be found in the Preferences dialog (Configure -> Preferences from the console menu bar).

Other windows such as the DOM and Time/Sales windows can also be given a link group. In the example below, two charts and a DOM Window have been assigned the same link color. Choosing a new symbol from the quick search box from one of the windows will automatically change the symbol for all windows in the link group.

Linking With Templates

As discussed in the Study Templates section the linking feature can be used in conjunction with the Study Templates. If enabled (see Preferences dialog, Chart -> Templates tab), applying a template to one chart in the link group will apply the template to all charts in the link group.

If you are working with the Console window (or a Desktop), you will notice an additional linking option, Link All. This option will link all charts that are on the current page. This provides a convenient way to link all the charts on a page with one click (instead of choosing a link for each chart).

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